Do I Need Annual Service On My Water Treatment Equipment?

Water Treatment Service CTYes! You should have your water treatment equipment serviced every year just like your furnace is serviced annually.

The main reason is that your water chemistry can change and you want your equipment adjusted for peak performance and efficiency. Also, an annual service keeps your equipment in tip top shape and can help to avoid costly repairs and/or emergency services.

Here is list of specific reasons per type of water treatment equipment:

  • WATER SOFTENER – This system works best when it is calibrated to your specific water chemistry and water usage. There are moving parts such as a piston or valve disc set that need to be inspected and a key component called an injector set also needs to be cleaned or replaced. Also, the brine (salt) tank should be sanitized and the overflow safety float should be inspected.
  • NEUTRALIZER – This poor equipment gets neglected the most. It has limestone (calcite) inside that gets used up and must be replenished at least once a year. Otherwise, you are at risk for corrosion and possible leaks. If there is no calcite inside the tank, or the calcite level is too low, it cannot adjust the low pH up to a neutral pH of 7. Take a flashlight to the side of the tank and find the media level. If it is below the half-way mark, schedule your annual service now.
  • ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT SYSTEM – This disinfectant system works by having your household water pass through a chamber where there is a special light bulb that “zaps” the bacteria. The bulb needs to be replaced annually and the sleeve that protects it needs to be de-mineralized. Otherwise, you are at risk for the bacteria getting through the UV system and into your drinking water.
  • REVERSE OSMOSIS – This ultra-filtration system has several filters and a special chamber that houses a membrane. The filters usually consist of 1-2 sediment filters and 1-2 carbon filters that must be replaced annually. The membrane, which is the most critical part, needs to be replaced every 3-5 years.

So, put your annual service in your calendar along with your doctor’s appointments. You don’t want to neglect your most important appliance in your home – your water treatment equipment!