How Much Does a Water Softener Cost?

Water Softener Cost

The range is usually between $1,600-$3,900. Sound like a big range? Here are some factors to consider when looking into the price of a new Softener:

Cost of Water Softener

  • Tank size– some homes will allow for a smaller tank size, like a 9×48. Others will require a larger tank, like a 10×54
  • Single unit or Twin – depending on water chemistry and household needs
  • Installation price – This may be included in the overall price or an additional cost
  • Warranty – How many years is the tank covered? Is there a money back guarantee?
  • Technology – The technology has really advanced over the last decade. The new machines are quite sophisticated and earth friendly. A good company will embrace the technology and inform their customers

Also keep in mind you want to choose the best water treatment company. Think about factors such as service hours the company provides, how quickly they can schedule the installation, number of technicians available to help, how long the company has been in business, are they licensed and insured, do they have fully stocked trucks and provide a full range of services like well pumps and storage tanks, as well as providing emergency service.

You should even check out if the company maintains their website, blog, and have a Facebook presence for you to gather lots of information.  Those benefits combined with state of the art technology are worth the extra investment.

For optimal results – select a product that makes sense based on your household needs AND a water treatment company that you trust and know will be there to serve you now and in the future.